Rod Morri
Co-Host of The Good-Good Golf Podcast
Rod is an award-winning golf journalist with more than 20 years experience and has covered everything from major tournaments to junior golf at the local level. Rod began his life in the media as a daily news reporter for News Limited in Sydney.
Rod Morri has hosted 163 Episodes.
Ep 132: Regional Golf - Off The Meaten Track
February 1st, 2023 | 1 hr 2 mins
It's not the sexiest topic in golf but it is one that has far reaching impacts and Golf NSW's recent announcement about a programme of regional golf events supported by the state government over the next three years is a huge positive. Mark Hayes joins the pod to break down the announcement plus the broader impact of golf on regional Australia and, conversely, the impact of regional Australia on golf. There's also a bit about Patrick Reed.
Ep 131: Golf and Indigenous Australia
January 27th, 2023 | 54 mins 4 secs
Some listener feedback sparked this week's episode when Glenn Chisolm, an aboriginal man from South Australia, got in touch to enquire if we had recorded any episodes specifically on the relationship between golf and indigenous Australia. The answer was no so we invited Glenn on to correct that state of affairs and it was a fascinating chat.
Ep 130: Golf Course Reviews By Women For Women
January 18th, 2023 | 1 hr 7 mins
Rating and reviewing golf courses is nothing new but UK based online publication Women and Golf has given the old idea a twist with a new section devoted to reviews of courses by women for women. Editor Emma Ballard joins the pod to explain why the idea was needed and what she hopes it will achieve.
Ep 129: Aus Opens Special Take 2: James Sutherland Has His Say
December 19th, 2022 | 44 mins 25 secs
There wasn't universal agreement on some of the points raised in Episode 127's lengthy post mortem of the mixed Australian Opens including from Golf Australia CEO James Sutherland. So, we welcome James to a specially convened episode of the pod today to talk all things Australian Open.
Ep 128: Mike Clayton talks Sandbelt Invitational (and more)
December 15th, 2022 | 1 hr 8 mins
A chat with Mike Clayton is like a Christmas gift to yourself except that here at Good Good we like to share it with you. The Sandbelt Invitational, developing young players and the mixed Australian Opens arse just some of the topics covered.
Ep 127: Opening The Opens Can of Worms
December 7th, 2022 | 1 hr 21 mins
It was an intriguing week at the Australian Opens and we welcome Golf Australia magazine editor Brendan James into the studio to discuss his excellent post tournament column as well as lots of chatter about where the tournaments are and where they could go.
Ep 126: All Abilities in the Spotlight
December 1st, 2022 | 1 hr 10 mins
The men's and women's concurrent events will get the bulk of the attention but there will be some compelling golf played in the All Abilities Championship this week at Victoria Golf Club also. World Number 7 Kurtis Barkley joins the podcast to talk all this golf and disability including what he thinks will be an under par winning score at the AAC this week.
Ep 125: All The Presidents Women
November 28th, 2022 | 1 hr 1 min
There is plenty of history surrounding this year's concurrent Australian Opens, not the least being both host clubs - Kingston Heath and Victoria - have (or in Victoria's case recently had) women Presidents. On today's episode we welcome Nikki McClure (Kingston Heath) and Sue Hosking (Victoria GC President until recently) to talk all things preparation for the tournaments as well as women and the game in general. Add leading Australian golf writer Karen Harding to the mix and you have all the ingredients for an episode full of insight and eloquence (despite her suggestion the epsiode should be titled Three Women and a Baby!)
Ep 124: Big Time Golf Back in Australia. Do we Care? Yes
November 23rd, 2022 | 58 mins 35 secs
The eyes of the golf world will be firmly fixed on Australia for the next two weeks as both the Australian PGA and dual Australian Opens are payed out with some of the biggest names in the game in attendance. There's chat about that plus sportswashing and the Qatar World Cup, what percentage of Americans believe they could win a fight against a chimpanzee and even a bit of golf chat.
Ep 123: The Evolving Role of Golf Media with Bill Fields
November 17th, 2022 | 1 hr 5 mins
Returning to one of Good-Good’s favourite topics - the role of media in golf - we return to one of Good-Good’s favourite past guests - Bill Fields.
Bill Fields maybe as close as golf gets to being graced with journalistic royalty. Among a list of remarkable writing credits Bill is a former editor of Golf World, a noted golf photographer (his photo of Larry Mize winning the 1987 Masters was the cover image of “Best Sports Stories 1988”) he is also the recipient of the 2020 PGA Lifetime Achievement Award in Journalism.
Ep 122: James Gribble on the new 2023 Rules of Golf and Golfers with a Disability
November 9th, 2022 | 56 mins 19 secs
The 2023 changes to the Rules of Golf were announced this week and one change in particular caught our interest - the introduction of Rule 25 for Golfers with a Disability. It's an important statement regarding the inclusivity of the Rules of Golf and the accessibility of the game and who better to talk to than James Gribble the CEO of Empower Golf - a full service not-for-profit organisation whose mission is to facilitate and promote golf for people living with disabilities.
Ep 121: The Changing Landscape of Pro Golf
November 5th, 2022 | 1 hr 5 mins
Ep 120: Are We Unfair To Golfers?
October 20th, 2022 | 1 hr 7 mins
There's reader mail this week wondering if the Good Good team is too hard on golfers? it's a fair question (and took up more of the discussion than expected) plus professional golf is coming to a town near you and why you should make the effort to go and watch it.
Ep 119: Golf's Most Important Word: Sustainability
October 7th, 2022 | 58 mins 17 secs
Golf faces multiple problems but among its most serious is the perception that it is an environmentally irresponsible use of land. While the game can - and is - improving in this area it is important golfers and non-golfers alike are aware of the message. Sam Thomas of the GEO Foundation for Sustainable Golf joins the pod to talk Sustainable Golf Week and the game's future.
Ep 118: Presidents Cup Plus
September 30th, 2022 | 1 hr 14 mins
It's hard to imagine there's much left to say about the Presidents Cup but we won't let that stop us. There's a bit of LIV and World Rankings talk as well.
Ep 117: Man on a Mission - Ewan Porter
September 22nd, 2022 | 59 mins 18 secs
From touring professional to hating the game to falling in love with it all over again. Ewan Porter's golf journey has run the full gamut including his latest mission to play every golf course in Sydney. Not just the fancy ones, mind, but the public courses, too. It's an intriguing tale and features some good banter with Adrian Logue and Golf Australia magazine deputy editor (and now regular Good Good co-host) Jimmy Emanuel.